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ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

InSight's First Selfie

This is NASA InSight's first selfie on Mars. It displays the lander's solar panels and deck. On top of the deck are its science instruments, weather sensor booms and UHF antenna.

Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Instrument: Instrument Deployment Camera (IDC)
Mission: InSight
Tags: Mars
#space #NASA #JPL #photography #astronomy #astrodon

ijk64✅ boosted

Problem: the serfs don’t like being crushed underfoot.
Solution: saturate all mass media with messages denying or distracting from the crushing.
Problem: the serfs talk to each other and empirically confirm that they are being crushed.
Solution: create social media channels where the serfs will tend to communicate (because it’s easy) then enshittify them so that they still give the illusion of communication, but no actual communication can take place.
Problem: serf-owned and operated distributed social media.
Stand by for the next exciting Solution.

ijk64✅ boosted

A timeline of the outage and its resolution, led by our central bank and chief payments systems regulator, the Reserve Bank of Australia.

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ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

"I guess we should retire the expression "avoid it like the plague" given how little effort people put into avoiding an actual plague."

#CovidIsNotOver #WearAMask 🥴​

ijk64✅ boosted

Yes, NYT editors should revisit the sourcing of that story, and let the public know if a Russian operative was their main source. The public -- and historians -- deserve to know. @nycscribe
RT @protecttruth_
What will the NYT say or not now that this FBI agent has been indicted? Was McGonigle an NYT source? Was he the boss of people who were NYT sources for this story?

Seems like Joe Kahn and AG Sulzberger should be telling us a…

ijk64✅ boosted

I’m sure you’ve seen one of these on the internet before. Or maybe IRL!

This is a #Amorphophallustitanum… the largest stemmed flowering plant (an inflorescence - ie a cluster of flowers arranged on a single stalk) on earth.

It is native to the island of Sumatra in western Indonesia.

The first pic is from the #Cairns #Botanicgardens, #Queensland #Australia (2022).

Intriguing info:

The Amorphophallus titanum is also known as the "#corpseflower" because of its pungent smell when it blooms.

The odour is designed to attract carrion flies for pollination by imitating the stench of a dead animal.

Some #Amorphophalli will go through an entire life cycle in three or four years, although most (a #titanarum, pictured) can be expected to live for several decades.

The titanarum stores energy in its corm, or underground stem. This energy (food) is later used to fuel the rapid growth, following a period of dormancy.

Usually takes 4–10 years or more between flowerings (ie, for a titanarum).

The corm can weigh around 70–90 kg (154–200 pounds).

While in bloom, the plant structure generates heat, more than 90 °F (32 °C)

They typically grow around 2.5m (8 feet) tall. Some grow larger.

How intriguing!

Also Wiki: and

#urbanflora #flora #gardening #garden #melbourne #aesthetichedonist #januaryjoy #gardeningAU #gardening #narrm #victoria #Australia #godmustbeabotanist #makesmehappy

ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

Everyone talks about “rockstar developers.” And sure you might need some of those but not many.

Usually, you’re looking for the software equivalent of the session or studio musician. The folks who can turn out amazing stuff in varying styles, but can do it all the time, on demand, consistently. They’re not going to have design philosophies, or manifestos, or lofty-sounding stuff in their bios.

They’re going to have code, and a long list of folks who say “this engineer, you want them. Really.”

ijk64✅ boosted

First large crochet project of the year completed. Started 20th December, completed 28th January. KnitCompanion tells me it took 171 hours and 9 minutes! 
Making this made me realise my brain occasionally forgets the difference between ”front” and “back” and I often cannot count :D At some points I had 27 different balls of yarn attached!
Pattern Astrid’s Cat Blanket
Yarn Catona in ”all the greens” and Shadow Purple.
#crochet #green #cats #roomwithaview

ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

#January 29, 1882
#OTD Berton Braley, American #Poet, is born.

Here's an excerpt from his 1929 #Epic #Limerick about #Botany.

There should be no monotony
In studying your botany;
It helps to train
& spur the #Brain
Unless you haven't gotany.

It teaches you, does Botany,
To know the #Plants & spotany,
& learn just why
They live or die —
In case you #Plant or potany.

Your time, if you'll allotany,
Will teach you how & what any
Old plant or #Tree
Can do or be —
& that's the use of Botany!

ijk64✅ boosted

How likely is it that you will still be on Mastodon a year from now?


ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted
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