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ijk64✅ boosted

Mt. Etna--February 26, 2021

NASA's Terra spacecraft shows Mt. Etna, Italy, sending rivers of lava down the southeast flank of the volcano. The ASTER visible image shows the extent of the active lava flows (derived from the thermal infrared data).

Credits: NASA/METI/AIST/Japan Space Systems, and U.S./Japan ASTER Science Team

Instrument: Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER)
Mission: Terra
Tags: Earth

ijk64✅ boosted

Let us talk about ssh server and client auditing tools that anyone can use to the hardened standard SSH server and client configuration for security issues on your #Linux, #FreeBSD, #macOS and #Unix boxes #security #infosec

ijk64✅ boosted

It's really cool that Twitter shuts down in stages over two months so that the Mastodon servers aren't overloaded all at once, very thoughtful of them!

ijk64✅ boosted

Four hours to go and 57% of the 13 million voters in Musks poll are telling him to stand down as twitter CEO

ijk64✅ boosted crossed 40000 accounts a few minutes ago. 7 weeks ago, we had ~180 active accounts.

@xssfox simple idea/ thought exp:
A universal cross-reference lookup site.
Plug in the twitter address: it spits out the mastodon address (and vice versa)
Self-Verification is performed by … (brain gears grind…)
Something like a specific cross referenced tweet/toot that has matching text/string etc - provide the url for both - the “machine” checks it out and if all good - it goes into the DB.
No particular traces left on twitter in “violation”.

ijk64✅ boosted

Photograph of #Mastodon founder #JoanMastodon from the early 1960s. Mastodon is seen manually transcribing telegraphed toots into the first ever instance (in background). Mastodon gained late fame when she was banned from Twitter while being mistaken with a guy called #JohnMastodon who actually never existed.

ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

A reminder, if you own your own domain you can quickly setup webfinger like this (can just be a static file, or dynamic) so that if someone searches mastodon (use me as an example) for @shanselman then it will call out to my domain, find me, and tell you my aliases, which is my account at Cool eh? Should take you just a few min to implement!

ijk64✅ boosted

hello from the sky over #London this morning. stay strong 💜☀️

ijk64✅ boosted

The sign contains the following message in portuguese: Please don't take my (little) ball away. If it's on the street, it's because I threw it for people to play with me. Return it through the gate to make me happy. This ball means everything to me. Second pic is the good boi. (by u/Burn0ut_)
@imagecaptionspls #ALT4me

ijk64✅ boosted

Inspired by this, I asked DALL-E 2 for an early 2000s magazine photo of John Mastodon, founder of the Mastodon social network.

ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

“You can’t get a ___________ home on a bike!” (or on foot)

Actually, maybe you can, maybe you can’t (I took this pic in Copenhagen many years ago).

And you don’t buy things like big screen TVs very often, these days most stores deliver, and we have car-share and taxis when we need them.
#bikes #walking #cars #cities #urbanism #city

ijk64✅ boosted


I said it was a dumb idea, but I did it anyway. Ultimate Doom running on the 5x86 and StrongARM CPUs in my Acorn RiscPC simultaneously 😁


ijk64✅ boosted

Linus Torvalds, RMS,
Kroah-hartman, ERS,
Kernel weekly, Guy Steele, Lennard Pottering
Esdgar Dijsktra, Donald Knuth,
Litterate, LUT,
Bacchus Nauer, Hanoi tower, Fast-inverse Squareroot,
Pathtracing, Raytheon
Ray tracing, Python,
Algorithms, Compiler towers,
Runtimes to the second power,
SIMD, broken patch,
failure in a flip-flop latch,
overclocked, systems locked,
REISUB goodbye

we didn't break production,
it was always broken, failed to parse a token
we didn't break production,
no we kept dev running, our devops are stunning

ijk64✅ boosted
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Mastodon BASIC experimental (Futex BBS)

Futex BBS