What would using SSH via the #FujiNet on the #Intellivision look like? Like this. Some of the crazy things possible with our codebase, but we need hardware engineering help to work out the bus interface. Please consider joining our discord, if you can help: https://discord.gg/7MfFTvD #retrogaming #retrocomputing
Most people credit John Carmack as the one responsible for bringing #BSP to the masses with #Doom.
But the BSP technique was already known and it was covered in books before (ie. Foley & Van Dam).
Digital Image Design was already using BSPs in their titles as early as 1988.
Russell Payne was the wizard behind DID's 'F-29 Retaliator' 3D engine. The game ran incredibly fast, even on slow machines like the #AtariST or the #Amiga.
This article is a good read on BSPs: