Well it powers on and makes good noises (apart from the fan), the SCSI HDD even kicks in and sounds great too, need to see if I can get video out of this thing today! 👍


@Gammitin may be easier to get the serial console port going

@ijk64 @Gammitin IIRC, those had mini-DIN serial ports, have fun finding a cable...

@cm @ijk64 @Gammitin I think that was for the keyboard. I had a SparcClassic which I think is similar and it used a db25 serial connector
Here’s a good ref doc too : docs.oracle.com/cd/E19127-01/s

@ijk64 @Gammitin Well, the docs show the truth... I was extrapolating from the sparcstation IPC I once owned, which definitely had mini-DIN serial ports (and the same style of case)...

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Futex BBS