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Elon: "please post your videos on my platform where nobody will be able to find them and they will immediately be flooded with blue-boosted crypto scammers and schizos in the replies."

Lol that dude isn't posting shit to Twitter until Mush puts his John Hancock on a massive contract and the check clears. Mr. Beast is gross, but he knows which side his bread is buttered on.

Musk: "please help me libsoftiktok i need your antivax strength to get people killed"

lol when MontanaSkeptic posted a SeekingAlpha article about how Tesla's books were absolutely cooked, Elon called his boss and tried to get him fired

Jesus christ, this is like reddit meltdown levels of posting.

What a sad man.

Apparently twitter is the new wingnut welfare

Very cool to start paying the worst posters for their dogshit takes, way better than paying severance.

data $0 (we aren't paying our cloud suppliers anymore)
rent $0 (we aren't paying our rent anymore)
krassenstein payments $24305
utilities $0 (see above)

someone who is good at the economy help me budget this. my company is dying

we will answer the questions. What questions? the important ones. they’re easy to answer we just haven’t asked them yet. we will find out what questions to ask. we will find the questions to the answers to the universe, and then we will be the ones who have all the questions

hey look a nerd reference, give me 44 billion dollars

Internet Hall of Fame literally only reposts screenshots of tweets. Which Elon explicitly said would be demonetized... 🤔

The people who scream for answers on why they're not getting engagement are definitely going to calm down now that they think they're missing out on direct payments

[guy who was definitely a terrible father and also explicitly hates his trans daughter] my kids don't like me, because of jiu jitsu,

just like with gab and parler etc. the right-wing absolutely hate being in their own echo chamber because then they realise they're all antisocial freaks with shit-stained undies and zero friends

they crave having liberals to wrinkle their nose at the smell of said undies and frown at their absolutely dogshit takes

So predictable, he thinks he's in control, and that this gives him leverage over his pet chuds, and everyone else will just shut up.

Pat yourself on the titanium plate buddy!

So everyone in the list of payees was manually given a thumbs up by Twitter for payouts, probably Elon personally.

These are the brand ambassadors he has chosen.

I can't wait for Elon to create Tay 2.0

if they're training it on twitter data I bet Elon also had them scrape the shit out of reddit

somewhere catshit is losing their mind that they couldn't even get a single stack. lol

this is amazing. the company is saddled with debt because *he saddled it with debt* and 50% advertising drop is because he scared away all of the advertisers.

other than that, that’s not how leveraged buyouts work. typically you take a company private so that you can do major reorganization without having to be accountable to the stock market. this means taking losses for months or years until the business is on the track where you think it will make money. what you don’t do is buy it, set the factory on fire, and then say “we’re not making any more changes until this returns to profitability”

the big lol is that elon has neither the business vision of what to do, the managerial capacity to implement it, nor the stomach for taking losses until his plan is implemented. every other week he wakes up in a cold sweat thinking about those mounting losses and freaks out and does something like fire more people or make another dumb edict like this one.

of course his fans don't understand that so he can just act like it was already failing and he's fixing it

Elon Musk is the richest despite being obviously and visibly incompetent.

There's no secret scheme. There's no deliberate plan. He's just that bad at this and has nobody to save him from himself. He's making what he thinks are the best decisions to run a platform because he's the World's Greatest Engineer and he's got solutions all these other idiots haven't thought of yet. When his decision blows up in his face, he blames someone else and goes on to his next blunder.

lmao cat turd is having a full on meltdown because he wasn't one of elon's hand chosen recipients of a big bag of cash for posting and now his life means nothing

this is the inevitable outcome of being a musk stan

I just hope they finally learn something from it

former national security advisor and insurrectionist General Mike Flynn is with catturd

Elon's having himself a day

1. Doesn't understand the quote

2. Questions about my "not the CEO" shirt etc.

3. Pay me money to avoid any fraud enabled by my company. #NotExtortion

sending them some intern's bullshit draft press release will surely convince the advertisers to stay

The Explosive Finale of The Twitter Files

Falun Gong! Hell yeah! Get that energy wheel spinning!!!

imagine given up (whatever small) brand recognition twitter has for... X.

twitter has managed to get people to use "tweet" and "tweeting" as nouns and verbs.

"Yo dawg, just X me the deets"

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