Things that make me uncontrollably rage: C++ code where .h files contain class member definitions, not just declarations.
This is Comp.Sci. 101 shit.
It's very simple: a header file should be able to be imported into *any* or *all* .cpp files, without causing errors, because HEADERS DO NOT DEFINE ANYTHING, THEY ONLY FUCKING DECLARE THINGS.
I am going to have to go through every file I imported and break them into proper interface and implementation files, before I can do anything interesting.
At least I got ESP-IDF working on my Mac again.
I also want to remove the Arduino component dependency. There's no need for it.
@mos_8502 do you like some 😇GOTO with that?!
@mos_8502 @Wintermute_BBS I have a good working parsing example of some Java code that is much more readable and maintainable with goto s.