This is part of a larger project -- a Toronto guy found an LP of Alvin and the Chipmunks covering pop songs
The guy had an old record player that could play at 16 RPM
So he played them all
They're here:
The version of Tom Petty's "Refugee" will haunt your dreams
I wept with uncontrollable laughter for the first two minutes of "Jesse's Girl"
At winter solstice, the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere, the sun shines down this 5,000 year old passage and hits the back wall. The Neolithic chambered mound lies about 500m off the Brittany coast, on the small island of Gavr'inis.
These beautifully carved stone slabs support a 17-tonne stone slab acting as the roof of the tomb. At the time of its construction, c. 3500 B.C., the island was still connected with the mainland, and is today only accessible by boat.
Day 20. #ArtAdventCalendar
Throwback to this joyful moment at the start of 2023, awkwardly holding a wet painting that ended up being Week 1 in my 52 Weeks of Finding Light adventure this year!
4”x4”, oil.
the beautiful song of the limpkin, so soothing, the perfect thing to lull you to sleep
#NYT 📆 May 5, 2023 The #northern lights have expanded farther #south. This phenomenon will peak in 📆 2025, during the phase known as #solar ☀️ maximum 📈.
#SpaceWeather "The exposure of a human body to ionizing #radiation ☢️ has the same harmful effects whether the source of the radiation is a medical X-ray machine, a nuclear power plant, or radiation in #space 🌌. The degree of the harmful effect depends on the length of exposure and the radiation's energy #density."
Picture : :cc_zero: #NASA
In the new Gmail design, currently in testing, you'll be able to reply as soon as you read an email -- without clicking to another window.