Today, my Pi Pico based adapter to connect IBM 3270 coax terminals to modern computers sent its first screen to my 3278. #retrocomputing #IBM #rp2040 #rpi #pico
Source level debugging of #Commodore64 and 1541 drive code at the same time. This makes debugging a lot easier.
Cloudy in Brisbane last night so I took my shot of the Super Blue Moon tonight.
#supermoon #bluemoon #moon
FYI, when a website erases your text that you just spent an hour writing, you can use this little trick to recover it 99% of the time:
1. find the firefox pid
$ pgrep -l firefox
2. attach gdb to firefox and dump its core
$ sudo gdb <pid>
gcore firefox.dump
<this takes awhile>
<firefox dies>
3. find your lost text in the coredump
$ strings firefox.dump | grep "a unique word/sentence from ur text"
i just did this today to recover a long post i wrote, and figured i'd show others!!
Somebody today dragged an old oscilloscope into our @cccac space. Of course we did the only logical thing first :D
I can't wait what others will do with it ^^
Hello all linux users! What password manager are you using? I would love to know. Bonus points if you comment how you sync your passwords between your devices.
Please retoot for extra reach! :)
#poll #linux #password #passwordmanager #pass #keepass #Bitwarden #lastpass
“Every kid starts out as a natural-born scientist, and then we beat it out of them. A few trickle through the system with their wonder and enthusiasm for science intact.”
— Carl Sagan
So finally I say, look, I need to call my bank directly. This all seems a bit odd.
And then, naturally (in retrospect), the guy hangs up.
I call my bank. They verify that it wasn’t them.
New office shenaniganery is ensuing. I am wholly responsible for this lot. One last week and two today. #OfficeShenanigans #NotDucks
#Earthquake (#gempa) M7.0 strikes 202 km N of #Mataram (#Indonesia) 28 min ago. More info:
Doctor Who theme reimagined as Belgian jazz - Bill Bailey