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ijk64✅ boosted

"What's the last programming book that will be published?"

Me: 🤔

ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

Elon Musk asks a US judge to throw out the $258 Billion racketeering lawsuit accusing him of running a pyramid scheme to support the cryptocurrency Dogecoin. Musk is accused of deliberately driving up Dogecoin's price more than 36,000%, then crashing it.

ijk64✅ boosted

A striking visualisation of #climatechange: the date of Kyoto cherry blossoms' reaching full bloom, plotted over the past 1000 years.

Thanks to the cultural significance of cherry blossoms in Japan, we have data on the specific day of the year when a very particular species of cherry blossom (P. jamasakura) reached "full-flowering" (満開) in a specific area on the outskirts of Kyoto (Arashiyama), all the way back to 800 AD.

The trend of the past 50 years is hard to miss…

ijk64✅ boosted

I drew this in 2020, posted it on the birdsite, and it went viral (at least by my standards!), earning me 250 new followers.

It shows how much battery various stars would have left if they had battery indicators like phones do. #MastoArt

ijk64✅ boosted

Them: Don't worry about it, it's easy as breathing.

Me, currently hyperventilating: OH NO!

ijk64✅ boosted

I've hired several folks starting a second career right out of code school. I've met with (sometimes hired, sometimes referred) others who picked up coding as a hobby while still working in a completely unrelated career.

They're equal parts brilliant and inspiring. But, like me, they often lack the vocabulary learned by those with formal educations in the field. Again, it's frustrating because they portray untapped levels of genius dismissed due to a lack of a degree.

ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

I'd like to propose a new law:

If your firewall rule contains the word 'Temp' in the description, the firewall is required to disable the rule at midnight on the day that the rule was added.

ijk64✅ boosted

More #yucca are blooming!!

The tops of these flowering structures are at least twice my height… so that’s 12+ foot (and they get up to and over 4 metres) tall.

The flowering clusters, based on my recent observations, appear to last only a week or two - at best.

But when multiple plants / trees are growing together they’re flowering at stagerred periods this month, so there’s a steady display of these things in certain parts of Melbs atm.

I’d say these ones are the late bloomers.

These ones were pictured in #ormond #Australia on this cool morning.

#urbanflora #flora #gardening #garden #melbourne #aesthetichedonist #flowersofmastodon #gardeningAU #gardening #narrm #victoria #Australia #makesmehappy

ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

robodebt, FOI 

Do you want to see the #robodebt weekly status reports I asked for via #FOI that the department didn't want to release? But the Information Commissioner told them they had to in this decision?

Here you go. It's a PDF:

ijk64✅ boosted

What's Ruby?

An interpreted, multi-paradigm, high-level, general-purpose programming language. You need Rust to build it.

What's Rust?

A compiled, multi-paradigm, high-level, general-purpose programming language. You need Python to build it.

What's Python?

An interpreted, multi-paradigm, high-level, general-purpose programming language.

Do I need, uhm, Perl to build it?

No, but you need Perl to build Rust.

I knew it. What's Perl?

An interpreted, multi-paradigm, high-level, general-

ijk64✅ boosted

Not what we want to hear...

"Greenland Ice Sheet is close to a melting point of no return, says new study"

The Greenland Ice Sheet covers 1.7 million square kilometers in the Arctic. If it melts entirely, global sea level would rise about 7 meters (23 feet), but scientists aren't sure how quickly the ice sheet could melt.

Based in part on carbon emissions, a new study using simulations identified two tipping points for the Greenland Ice Sheet: releasing 1000 gigatons of carbon into the atmosphere will cause the southern portion of the ice sheet to melt; about 2500 gigatons of carbon means permanent loss of nearly the entire ice sheet.

Having emitted about 500 gigatons of carbon, we're about halfway to the first tipping point.

"The first tipping point is not far from today's climate conditions, so we're in danger of crossing it," said Dennis Höning, a climate scientist at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research who led the study. "Once we start sliding, we will fall off this cliff and cannot climb back up."

The study was published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.


#Emissions #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateAction #ClimateEmergency

ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

-1.5746443132308863 + -0.0002451173021562548i at zoom 2.5594554859e+06.

ijk64✅ boosted

Documentary film crew in a computer room in the 1970s caused system crashed because their camera flashes were setting off the reflective End Of Tape sensors on all of the reel-to-reel drives

ijk64✅ boosted

Imagining an attack operation where they steal dev credentials, push malicious code, then discover the build fails.

The attacker spends days troubleshooting the build pipeline and finally finds a fix. It now works beautifully; this immediately tips off the company’s engineers.

ijk64✅ boosted

It remains absolutely wild to me that Jalopnik, of all things, has one of the most enlightened editorial views on car culture and windshield-perspective.

This is a blistering editorial that would get you fired from just about any mainstream newspaper for writing.

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Mastodon BASIC experimental (Futex BBS)

Futex BBS