I went there. An open letter to Stephen Colbert from a clam expert. https://dantheclamman.blog/2023/03/23/an-open-letter-to-stephen-colbert-from-a-clam-expert/
FTC's new rule: "If you can sign up online, you must be able to cancel on the same website, in the same number of steps." https://www.niemanlab.org/2023/03/the-ftc-proposes-a-formal-click-to-cancel-provision-for-subscriptions/
Boss: Why is your work only 80% complete?
Me: Oh, yes! There’s a very good explanation for that.
In my last performance review, you noted that I was exceeding all expectations, but that you were only giving me a 4 out of 5 because you “never give 5s” because “there’s always room for improvement.”
As a result, I’ve taken the initiative to deliver at 4/5 capacity to ensure I’m performing according to your expectations.
As we’ve already established, I’m easily capable of performing at and above 100%, so please let me know once you’ve adjusted my performance rating to a 5 and I will adjust my performance accordingly.
My friend, Jessie, took this stunning photo a week or so ago when the moon was full: eagle and the moon. Wow!
#Alaska #Eagle #BirdsOfAlaska
Archive.org has http://dpreview.com going back to 1999. I just donated to them to help keep all that information around. The manner of the shutdown ("available in read-only mode for a limited period after...[April 2023]": https://dpreview.com/news/5901145460/dpreview-com-to-close) is a reminder of how important doing that is. H/T: @nizmow
The Wombles had the circular economy all figured out back in 1968. We should all aspire to be like the Wombles.
"Making good use of the things that we find, things that the everyday folk leave behind..."
And here's one of the delightful original episodes, if you've never seen them: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6P2a1oWmEQI
On March 23, I will do a #curl 2023 roadmap webinar. What we (I mostly) plan on working on during the rest of the year. Sign up for it here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/1616774545098/WN_TW7GcvmeR8uERGLUka94rA
A recording will be made available afterwards as well.
my wife's company is trying to convince people to return to the office because one of their executives thinks its embarrassing when clients come by and the offices are empty, anyways, theatre students always need some pocket money and if someone wants to join my exciting new "potemkin village as a service" startup
Dozens of mystery minions have popped up in a tiny town and it's got accusations flying
>Someone is making minions out of scrap metal and installing them around Warrack. It's got tongues wagging across the entire town, and there are a few prime suspects.
Well #Antarctic sea ice area is *still* setting new daily record lows...
More visualizations at https://zacklabe.com/antarctic-sea-ice-extentconcentration/
My view last night after Argentina’s nuclear power plant Atucha went offline because a land-clearing fire affected power lines, leaving half the country (pop 46m) without electricity. Intentional fires to clear land for soy, cattle and gated communities burn everywhere non-stop, reddening eyes, burning throats. The press ignores it. Government response? It stopped publishing fire stats. Current summer is hottest in history of Buenos Aires, weather bureau said yesterday. No one carried the story.
Tonight in 1977 — The finale of THE MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW aired on CBS.
“It was incumbent upon me to profess absolute belief that this was the smart thing to do: to go off while we were ahead and on top. But I was crumbling inside. I didn’t want it to end.” — #MaryTylerMoore