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ijk64✅ boosted

In Utrecht, NL people have been falling into a pond because duckweed has been stressed by the cold and turned it red an looks exactly like a cycle path.

ijk64✅ boosted

A retronym is a word that describes something that used to be the only kind of something, like acoustic guitar and postal mail (or snail mail).

Here's a new one to me: pork bacon!

#Language #EnglishLanguage #retronym

ijk64✅ boosted

🚨 The Antarctic annual minimum has definitely passed ➡️ "This is the lowest sea ice extent in the 1979 to 2023 sea ice record, setting a record low for the second straight year."

See more at

ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

Please boost :boost_requested:

As part of a wave of layoffs, I got laid off from my backend development job last month as the company's financials I was working with have been steadily decreasing. I applied for another job shortly after, and after a month of interviews and an honestly great response from their team, at the last minute, they told me that they were focusing their hiring efforts away from the US and towards Singapore. With Calckey donations, I don't have enough money to pay for rent or groceries. So I'm asking to
#GetFediHired, I'm the lead developer on the Calckey project, and I'm a fullstack, multi-language developer. I have 3+ years of enterprise experience, and I work great on teams as well as solo. Resume and references available upon request.

ijk64✅ boosted

Serious poll, trying to get a more accurate read of the vibes.
Please boost for a larger sample size.
Considering everything you can think of, what do you consider the state of the world to be?
#poll #polls #fedipoll

ijk64✅ boosted

@rozanski @codinghorror You may also like the barn.megaparsec measuring spoon. A barn is an area roughly covering a Uranium nucleus. A megaparsec is three and a bit million light years. Multiply them and you get a volume, about a third of a teaspoon. My spoon is within ~1%

ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

Hypercapitalist techbros already calling for, wait for it, government intervention!

What happened to "the market will solve it"? :blobcatthinking:

"The market solves it" only if it's your money on the line, not their stock options. :blobcatthinksmart:

Remember all this bullshit about "we get the big payouts because we take the big risks"? Yeah, well… observe what happens when the risks actually materialize. Crying for risk-mitigating bailout *checks notes* literally the next day.



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ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

First, the very good news: Version 4.0 of The Ultimate Tape Archive, a compilation of Commodore 64 cassette-based software, has been released, with Internet Archive as the primary download!

16gb of cassette based software, scans of the cassettes and inlays and instructions.

The even better news: The collection has ALL of them, emulated!

That's 2000 tapes for you to enjoy.

ijk64✅ boosted

@RIDDLES Sun, Mar 12, 2023 2:00 AM - Sun, Nov 5, 2023 2:00 AM

ijk64✅ boosted

California is getting drenched from another #AtmosphericRiver event 💦 #CAwx #CArain

Satellite + radar since yesterday shows the incessant rain, with flash #flooding now affecting #Kernville

ijk64✅ boosted

It's 'cooler' to say "I am not woke" than "I am scared and insecure of things I don't understand and I react angrily about it"

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ijk64✅ boosted

"Let me be blunt: encryption is either broken for everyone, or it works for everyone. There is no way to create a safe backdoor."

Signal calls the #OnlineSafetyBill what it is, a menace to privacy and a way to impose mass surveillance via our messaging apps. #surveillace #e2ee

A must read 👇

ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

Meet Shantell Sans, from Shantell Martin – a marker-style font built for creative expression, typographic play, and animation.

Shantell Sans is open-source (SIL OFL 1.1). It includes Latin and Cyrillic support, with 48 styles across 5 variable axes.

It was a huge pleasure to work on this, and I’m very excited for it to go public today! Check it out and read about the process on the minisite:

(Note: this may be an #advertisement?)

ijk64✅ boosted

Great visualization of information propagation by @randomwalker!

He explains how information arrives in your feed, and what the effect thereof.

This is critical to understanding how relevancy algorithms work, and what makes Mastodon different from Big Social.

More reading:


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Mastodon BASIC experimental (Futex BBS)

Futex BBS