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ijk64✅ boosted

January 1st: Happy Birthday to everyone who works in #InfoSec! 😂

ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

Hungover in your 20’s: ugh so thirsty

Hungover 30’s and beyond: if this isn’t Ebola it’s what killed the dinosaurs

ijk64✅ boosted

I can tell there isn’t a lot of folks in APAC time zones in my network here by the lack of “Happy New Year”s in the home feed

ijk64✅ boosted

@rysiek I have a goal to move my internet habits back about 20 years. I'm gonna build a home page with a list of links of things I think are cool and worth looking at on a regular basis.

Maybe even put up a blinking "under construction" sign

ijk64✅ boosted

Right now, Russian cruise missles are over almost every region of Ukraine.

ijk64✅ boosted

2022 has been one horrible year for me as well...too many struggles and not enough wins. I sincerely hope 2023 brings some much-needed happiness to your life.♥️

ijk64✅ boosted

@stux Admins of Mastodon instances should ensure their legitimate emails and being properly DKIM signed, then publish a DMARC record with a reject policy in DNS to prevent #phishing emails from spoofing their email domain in the from address.

I wrote a blog post on how DMARC works a while back.

#infosec #informationsecurity #cybersecurity #mastodon #adminsofmastodon #phishing #spoofing #dkim #dmarc #email #security

ijk64✅ boosted

Elon Musk let Andrew Tate back on Twitter and he got himself arrested

Elon let Kanye West back on Twitter and he destroyed his own career overnight

Who had “Elon doing the Lord’s work” on their 2022 Bingo card? 🤣

ijk64✅ boosted

Kid: "Dad what's leather made from?"
Dad: "Hide".
Kid: "What???"
Dad: "Hide... a cow's outside".
Kid: "I'm not afraid of a cow...


#puns #alberta #canada

ijk64✅ boosted

Years ago I was having a really, really hard time at a job, because something very bad had happened that I don't want to talk about (it was over ten years ago). But many of you have probably been there, something has gone terribly wrong at work, but you still need to make a living so you can't just quit and walk away. You have to stay, for a while at least. That's what was happening to me at the time, it took a few months to find a new job, but I couldn't quit, I would lose my pension if I did.

My team could tell I was sad and not myself, but no one said anything. What can you say when your boss is obviously down, but not talking about it? Well, one of my team members said he had something really important to show me, and I needed to come to his office. He was usually a pretty serious person (compared to the rest of us, who were pretty silly on the regular), and we got along really well. He told me he that the very important thing was that he hadn't seen my smile in weeks, and he missed it. Then he said he knew how to give me my smile back.

He pushed back his chair in his tiny shared cubicle, stood up, pressed "play" on the song 'Happy', and then this middle aged man started DANCING. Dancing in our open-concept office, to loud music, in the middle of the day! He was dancing with so much joy, so much energy, so much silliness! I couldn't help myself, after a couple seconds I started dancing too. We danced the entire song, twirling, jumping and wiggling, in his tiny office, with everyone around us probably wondering what was going on. Once the song was done he said "There! I see the smile. It is back. Things are okay again. Thank you, that's all I needed." As though it as ME who had helped HIM.

I don't think I will ever forget that day. I always try to be that person for others if I can. Showing that you care, and that the person might being going through a hard time, but people still care about them.

Not everyone had a great holiday this year. If you see someone down, this might be your chance to give someone their smile back. <3

ijk64✅ boosted

Hi, this is Greta. You are welcome to follow me here, if you prefer planet earth to planet mars.

ijk64✅ boosted

TIL that bash >= 5.1 has 32-bit (unsigned) high-quality pseudorandom numbers in $SRANDOM. Woot!

ijk64✅ boosted

Keeping my tradition of painting octopuses on the bottoms of tables in hotel rooms alive 😀

ijk64✅ boosted

The right time to point out that your wife is still wearing her slippers is at home, not when you get to the restaurant. I know this now.

ijk64✅ boosted

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to post a reply video on Twitter and go to Romanian prison

ijk64✅ boosted

LastPass's default password KDFs:
2008-6/2012: SHA256(email || password)
6/2012-2/2013: PBKDF2-SHA256 500* [1]
2/2013-7/2018: PBKDF2-SHA256 5,000 [2]
7/2018-now: PBKDF2-SHA256 100,100 [3]
* I shamed the CEO into increasing this. "I think it is irresponsible to tell your users the recommended iteration count is 500. When 12 years ago, PBKDF2 had a recommended minimum iteration count of 1000."


ijk64✅ boosted

this is what happens when you don’t recycle your pizza boxes

@haichy draw for me a super tramp style: tron legacy

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