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ijk64✅ boosted

Attention! Today is World Pi Day, 22/7 or 3.14285, closer to the real value of Pi than American Pi (3.14). Please do not boost this as it confuses and annoys Americans.

ijk64✅ boosted

Tiny Mastodon Newbie Tip 🐘✨:

When you Favourite (Like) a toot (post) on Mastodon, it is to tell the original tooter that you liked it ⭐​❤️

BUT, this doesn’t push the toot anywhere else (like it did on Twitter).

If you want more people to see this toot you liked, you have to Boost (retweet) it!

Boost freely and Boost plenty everything you want others to see! :boost_ok:​✨


ijk64✅ boosted

Eliyahu Weinstein was convicted twice of defrauding investors of $230 million, but in 2021 Trump freed him from jail early after 8 years of a 24 year sentence.

He has only paid less than $1.7mil of $230 million in restitution owed to his victims.

Eli Weinstein is now charged in a new $35mil Ponzi scheme.

And it turns out that in 2003 he had business ties with Lev Parnas, who years later worked with Giuliani.

My latest:

#EliWeinstein #Ponzi #Ponzischeme #TrumpPardon

ijk64✅ boosted

Thank god for @mmasnick because I really really really didn't want to have to write an article about why #copyright is an awful way to address the harms of #AI to creative workers and now he's done it and I can just point people to his article for the next two annoying years.

ijk64✅ boosted

Which is the correct plural?

ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

how to write documents:

1. write your first draft
2. delete the parentheses
3. deal with the nested parentheses (you had them, didn't you?)
4. oops I accidentally more parentheses

ijk64✅ boosted

Should wealthy nations in the Global North — like the US and Canada — who have benefited from decades of burning fossil fuels, be expected to pay the cost of damages from the climate crisis to poor countries in the Global South?

Anyone with a conscience probably will answer: “Yes, they should.”

But John Kerry, former US Secretary of State and now official Climate Envoy, says: "No, under no circumstances.”

See —

What a total jerk. Although, of course, it’s not Kerry’s decision to make. He’s just following orders.

The capitalist rulers of our society have no interest in doing what’s right. All they care about is making more money — and keeping the governments they own under firm control.

For more, see —

#USA #Politics #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateJustice #Capitalism #BusinessAsUsual

ijk64✅ boosted

Having looked at APRA's new Prudential Standard CPS 230 on Operational Risk Management, I reckon very little of it is, or at least should be, alien to APRA-regulated entities.

I appreciate the very explicit stuff about the ultimate responsibility of the Board and the very explicit stuff on BCPs.

I liked the stuff re material service providers, including the nudge for regulated entities to look upstream to fourth parties of their MSPs, the explicit mention of 'contagion risk' and BCPs (hello, cloud people!), and the geopolitical undertones in the examples of non-financial risks that regulated entities need to look out for.

There are two new breach notification deadlines:
a) ≤72 hours for operational risk incidents the entity reckons are 'likely to have a material financial impact or a material impact on the ability of the entity to maintain its critical operations' (if this is an infosec breach under CPS 234, they don't need to report that separately to APRA; deadline the same under SOCI Act s 30BD for most APRA-regulated entities); and

b) ≤24 hours for 'a disruption to a critical operation outside tolerance' (note that most APRA-regulated entities have to report 'critical cyber security incidents' to Home Affairs ≤12 hours of awareness of their having to do so under SOCI Act s 30BC).

APRA press release:

ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

Today is the 78th anniversary of the first detonation of a nuclear weapon on Earth, the Trinity Test in New Mexico in 1945, three weeks before the nuclear attacks on Japan.

There will be many images posted of the mushroom cloud today, but here is what mattered more, the fallout cloud. Dozens of homes and communities were blanketed with fallout, which which also contaminated fields as far away as Illinois and Indiana.

They have always known about radioactive fallout.

#Trinity #MED #NuclearWeapons #nuclear #NM #LANL @histodons @sts


ijk64✅ boosted

In just over two years, Microsoft's most successful operating system release ever will reach its end-of-support date.

ijk64✅ boosted

All-In-One Security, a WordPress plugin installed on more than 1 million websites, has issued a security update after being caught 3 weeks ago logging plaintext passwords and storing them in a database accessible to website admins.

ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

The German word "wählen" can mean
- to pick, to choose
- to elect
- to dial
The German word "Null" can mean
- zero
- loser, jerk

So, someone saying "Ich habe die Null gewählt" either means
- "I've dialed zero."
- "I voted for that idiot."

Enjoy our language!


ijk64✅ boosted

This one cuts deep:
The modern condition is mostly trying to do things on your own that people have historically achieved with a large support network and wondering why you're tired all the time.

ijk64✅ boosted

Went back to the ice caves up the mountain from our field site! This one is much less extensive than it was last year, but it's still WOW.

ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

Looks like there's a new WebKit zero-day under active exploitation targeting iOS, iPadOS, and macOS. Apple rolled out a Rapid Security Response patch today.


I also wrote about these real-time rapid security updates last year, in case you want a backgrounder:

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