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ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

Tiny Privacy Tip 🔒✨:

If you are ready to step up your communication’s privacy, I wrote a comparative review of 4 instant messaging services offering end-to-end encryption:

Signal, Threema, iMessage, and WhatsApp

For each I describe what data they disclose collecting, what data is encrypted, and what data is not:

Choose what suits your needs the best, but choose wisely 💬​✨

#Privacy #TinyPrivacyTip #RootForE2EE

ijk64✅ boosted

Most people probably don't know this (and why would they?):

In 2022, #CNN's parent company was bought by a right-wing billionaire. He immediately set out to transform CNN, making it appealing to right-wing extremists. That's why CNN organized a Trump rally and put it on national TV this week. It wasn't an error. It was the point.

Like you said, CNN is like a radio station that suddenly switched music formats. It's time for us to leave it now.



ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

#Antarctic sea ice continues as the lowest on record for the date (in the satellite-era). The visual here shows how anomalous it actually is for this time of year.

+ More graphs at Data from

ijk64✅ boosted

exclusive photo of the entity responsible for approving the .zip TLD

ijk64✅ boosted

💖 🥺 my friend gave me this ya'll.

(Insert philosophical, introspective, emotional rant about how hard I've worked to change myself and it's changed the world around me and the company I keep and I'm starting to get to see it)

ijk64✅ boosted

For all you non-native English speakers out there, “read” is pronounced like “lead”, and “read” is pronounced like “lead”.


ijk64✅ boosted

Deer deliver in the strangest of places! If you find a fawn in your yard, leave it alone, do not touch, move or feed it. They have no scent and predators cannot find them unless humans interfere. Mom leaves during the day for 2 primary reasons: to feed, and to keep her scent away. Mom will return, but not until dusk and not if humans are around. If you discover the gift of a fawn enjoy the experience, and let the Mom do what comes naturally. Please share, thank you. #wildlife

ijk64✅ boosted

👀 #TIL Monopoly wasn't invented by the Parker Brothers, nor the man they gave it credit for. In 1904, Monopoly was originally called The Landlord's Game, and was invented by a radical woman. Elizabeth Magie's original game had not one, but two sets of rules to choose from.
One was called "Prosperity", where every player won money anytime another gained a property. And the game was won by everyone playing only when the person with the least doubled their resources. A game of collaboration and social good.
The second set of rules was called "Monopoly", where players succeeded by taking properties and rent from those with less luck rolling the dice. The winner was the person who used their power to eliminate everyone else.
Magie's mission was to teach us how different we feel when playing Prosperity vs Monopoly, hoping that it would one day change national policies.
When the Parker Bros adopted the game, they erased the "Prosperity" rules and celebrated "Monopoly".
#ElizabethMagie #Monopoly #Landlord

ijk64✅ boosted

Auckland Airport Rainfall, back to 1963. Thick line is 2023 (doh) Today's effort so far (55mm) in purple...

ijk64✅ boosted

It looks like you’re trying to rise & shine on Monday morning. Would you like help? #GoodMorning #DailyGiggle

ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

Welcoming signal boosts: Come work on my team!

We are hiring a Senior Digital Security Trainer. You'll work with journalists, media organizations, whistleblowers and other mission-aligned groups to develop their digital security hygiene.

Many of us have nontraditional backgrounds in security, so we intend to cast a wide net. Even if you don't think you fully match the job description, if you're excited about it we want to hear from you. Apply by 5/15!

ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

Friend Who I Haven't Seen in a While: your kid's gotten so big! what is he, four?

Me: i have no idea what he's for

ijk64✅ boosted

I'm rather proud of today's scoop. It began with a tip from a security researcher who wondered why 900,000 customer payment records were leaking from a network of sites that seemed to be related to the U.S. Postal Service.

It's been a wild ride figuring this one out. Please check out the full piece for a truly crazy story. Here's the lede:

"A sprawling online company based in Georgia that has made tens of millions of dollars purporting to sell access to jobs at the United States Postal Service (USPS) has exposed its internal IT operations and database of nearly 900,000 customers. The leaked records indicate the network’s chief technology officer in Pakistan has been hacked for the past year, and that the entire operation was created by the principals of a Tennessee-based telemarketing firm that has promoted USPS employment websites since 2016."

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