I’m in Athens, Georgia, where the railroad trestle from the back cover of R.E.M.’s MURMUR, after being on the verge of collapsing for years, was not only saved by the city and locals but has been incorporated into a beautiful new rail trail, so if you’re wondering how we can get more bikeable and walkable infrastructure, the answer is to get more bands to put existing structures in need of repair on their albums.
Of all the recent reports on psychotherapy clinic Vastaamo's data breach cluster****, I enjoyed yours the most, @smashingsecurity 😍
Lots of chuckles, thank you. 👍🏻
This is what an erupting volcano looks like from space.
Credit: NASA Johnson
More details: https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/38985/sarychev-peak-eruption-kuril-islands
Part of my day job is maintaining and expanding a Win32 / MFC / C++ / C app I originally wrote over 25 years ago. It works well, a couple thousand people use it every day and say nice things, and it’s backwards compatible to XP, which some of our clients still have.
This week, I started exploring a re-write, using modern Windows languages and frameworks, with the idea than surely — surely — things have become significantly less complex in the last couple of decades.
Oh, no.
Oh, God, no.
So folks, don't forget to check if your Ikea chair is compatible with your screen. I'm not kidding. A thread 🧵.
I've had the problem with my new screen for several weeks now, that every now and then the screen goes black for a few seconds.
Today I had enough and wanted to investigate the problem. So I started changing all the cables, plugging the screen into a different socket, and and and. Nothing helped.
Only those who have been here will understand 😔
Reposted from Twitter by @nafobot
Evening mograph. I was mostly done building a new node to do something when I realized my existing stuff already did it. Behold.... uh, flying wireframes. Shades of old screensavers, as usual.
#Blender3D #B3D #GenerativeArt #3DArt
Gallup reports that favorability of Russia is lower than it has been at any time during the 34 years that they have been tracking it.
"I've actually seen people who aren't programmers, and they're not software engineers, and they've never done security research and they are having a whale of a time with this, because you can be a hacker now just typing English into a box"
Google has just updated its 2FA Authenticator app and added a much-needed feature: the ability to sync secrets across devices.
TL;DR: Don't turn it on.
The new update allows users to sign in with their Google Account and sync 2FA secrets across their iOS and Android devices.
We analyzed the network traffic when the app syncs the secrets, and it turns out the traffic is not end-to-end encrypted. As shown in the screenshots, this means that Google can see the secrets, likely even while they’re stored on their servers. There is no option to add a passphrase to protect the secrets, to make them accessible only by the user.
Why is this bad?
Every 2FA QR code contains a secret, or a seed, that’s used to generate the one-time codes. If someone else knows the secret, they can generate the same one-time codes and defeat 2FA protections. So, if there’s ever a data breach or if someone obtains access .... 🧵
Disaster alert accounts are preparing for a world after Twitter https://www.theverge.com/2023/4/21/23691784/elon-musk-twitter-disaster-alert-accounts-fire-storm-tsunami-earthquake
ATT&CK is lucky to have a community who has supported us all these years! As of today ATT&CK v13 is out with some🎁paying that back. Improved website search (after your fist query where it loads the index), much more detailed changelogs, some detections now include analytics & more! Our blog post with what's new: https://medium.com/mitre-attack/attack-v13-enters-the-room-5cef174c32ff.
We’re also at #RSAC2023 this week if you’d like to discuss the release in person or grab some ATT&CK technique stickers. @whatshisface and @jamieantisocial are holding down the fort in the MITRE booth.