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ijk64✅ boosted

Memo to @nationalreview:

1. The NOTAM system is separate from air traffic control.
2. The NOTAM system is *already* privatized. It's run by Leidos.
3. A significant portion of air traffic control is not run by the FAA. I talk to non-FAA flight controllers from the airplane every week.

Suggestion: Learn about a topic before shitposting about it.

ijk64✅ boosted

What was your first modem? Mine was a 300 baud #VICMODEM for my #Commodore #VIC20 which included a type in terminal program in BASIC. You had to manually dial the number with the phone, unplug the coil cable from the handset, and plug it into the modem! #RetroComputing #VintageComputing (Edit: added missing space after VIC20 tag)

ijk64✅ boosted

Should developers build search engines for the fediverse that reflect current community standards?

#Poll #EvanPoll

ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

Twitter appears to have stopped third party Twitter apps from accessing their network, without any warning or explanation. The reason Twitter can do this is because they control and there are no other servers to choose from.

This kind of instant shutdown cannot happen on Mastodon or the Fediverse, because there are thousands of independent servers running on free open software standards.

This is why third party apps are so much more widely used on Mastodon and the Fediverse.

ijk64✅ boosted

You can walk into any room and scream. "THIS WHOLE THING IS A FARCE!", and it's entirely appropriate every time.

ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

Happy 10th birthday to the strip that became the last decade's defining meme.

ijk64✅ boosted

Flipping through work notebook, found a single word:


Yeah, that’s a good word. I need to work it into conversations more.


ijk64✅ boosted

If your firm uses Bitlocker you will need to take special efforts to apply this patch. It will need a special script.

ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

I was just fired. If you know someone hiring staff level software engineers, preferably in a #sre, #devops, or #PlatformEngineering space, I'd love to talk.

I'm looking for US remote positions, fwiw. And I can refer some really excellent engineers at all experience levels.

Edit: thank you for the boosts. I've been interviewing and I may have offers soon. I'll follow up on leads if I need to extend my search.

ijk64✅ boosted

I’m going to tell you the story of the man who solved a crime.

Not, like, a cop who put together the clues and got his man, but a person who took a crime as old as civilization and fixed the problem where it got you in trouble.

The man: Artur Virgílio Alves Reis.

The place: 1920s Portugal.

The crime: Counterfeiting.

The problem he fixed: That the money is counterfeit.

(This is going to be a long 🧵 . Just trust me.)

ijk64✅ boosted

The adoption of #Bitcoin is anemic ... and has staled since 2018 to ~20M active addresses (upper bound of nb of users)

This graph (log scale) shows unique active adresses on the #bitcoin #blockchain over 6 months.

It is compared to the adoption of internet and mobile phones, shifted in time to fit 20M users adoption.

Sources :

📕 Bitcoin adresses : Glassnode []

📕 Internet & mobile adoption : Ou World in Data []

#CryptoScam #CryptoSkeptic

ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

“This brilliant illustration, made by Swedish artist Karl Jilg & commissioned by the Swedish Road Administration, shows just how extreme the situation truly is — even in an urban district that's designed with pedestrians in mind.”

How much space in our streets that we’ve surrendered to cars, and how little space is left for everything else.

#streets #cities #urbanism #roads #cars #car

ijk64✅ boosted

The topic of #genuary12 is Tessellation, which of course is right in my wheelhouse. Here's a recreation of a technique that I used in a 2010 paper: I evolve an organic tiling by applying a differential growth model to the prototile's edges. The sketch just needs a bit more work (it doesn't know when to stop evolving). #genuary

ijk64✅ boosted

The Furby source code is public and heavily commented. For example, it turns the microphone off when the motors are running.

Furby was the 1998 version of ChatGPT and tons of people thought it actually slowly learned English words. The NSA was alarmed. However it turned out the "learning" process was just on a timer and the "microphone" only triggers on loud sounds.

ijk64✅ boosted

Be wary of those keeping an eye on you but not complimenting, cheering, or supporting you. Be discerning of those around you.

ijk64✅ boosted

Should we campaign to #fediblock commercially owned instances on #Mastodon?

This poll follows news that #Medium has started its own instance.

We could make exceptions for news orgs, or maybe force them to use non profit instances.

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Mastodon BASIC experimental (Futex BBS)

Futex BBS