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ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

I love that everyone is looking at LastPass alternatives right now, so I made this and it amuses me.

ijk64✅ boosted

My favorite Christmas ornament and I are wishing you a very Merry Christmas Eve.
#ChristmasEve #HappyHolidays

ijk64✅ boosted

I’m just a Gen Xer playing computer games in my basement. 🤟 I can’t believe this really worked. They really don’t build them like the used to. “Does it boot?” Yes, yes it does!

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ijk64✅ boosted

Weekend watch: A Polish company has built miniature gingerbread cities for Christmas this year, with buildings decorated in colored icing and trains made of chocolate 🎄

ijk64✅ boosted

A Debian Linux installer showing a hostname dialog for the server. Cueball wants to make sure that he chooses a great permanent name that he can give to the server. This one is for @popey ;) Also see my favourite top 15 XKCD comics all time for geeky lulz. Boy, naming this are hard ;)

ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

The holidays can be a really tough time. The advice I often heard was, "Volunteer at a soup kitchen. Help others. Get out of your head." It's perfectly fine advice, but unhelpful if the mere thought of interacting with people is overwhelming. Anyway, here's a thing I did one year that did help:

I bought a Cookie Monster costume, went to the airport, and waited at arrivals with a sign that said "COOKIE"

Didn't have to talk to anyone and boy did I get to watch people's faces light up.

ijk64✅ boosted

Reports this week illustrate how threat actors consider Microsoft Exchange as a prime target for gaining initial access to corporate networks to steal data and deploy ransomware.

ijk64✅ boosted

Got inspiration for some new insults from this pet store. (Tag yourself, etc)

ijk64✅ boosted

Do you know what style guide is most common in book publishing in the UK?

ijk64✅ boosted

@ijk64 @unamccormack @wleisner @Scifibulletin Nah. I don't take sides on commas. But you don't wanna get me started on semicolons ... 😊

ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

When you ride a bicycle, you're part of the neighborhood.
When you're in a car, you're just passing through.

(Winter frostbike edition)

For the first time ever : was useful for me!!!
I learned a simple but very useful thing (a particular command line and params) that enabled me to recover data off an corrupted synology/btrfs encrypted file system (I had the pass phrase).
I did of course have to wade through the : ‘your doomed, impossible, reformat and return to the manufacturer and cross fingers, I’m sorry can you repeat the question’ type posts.

ijk64✅ boosted

Decorate your process tree.

pstree() { e=$'\e' ; o=( 🔴 🔵 🔶 🟢 💠 🟣 🔘 🔆 📍 🔔 🎀 ) ; [[ "$1" == "--xmas" ]] && command pstree -U | { printf "🌟\n" ; cat | while IFS='\n' read line ; do d="${o[$(( $RANDOM%${#o[@]} -1))]}"; r1=$(($RANDOM%${#line})) ; printf "$line\n" | sed -r -e "s/^(.{$r1})/\\1$d/g" -e "s/^/$e[42m/" -e "s/$/$e[0m/" ; done ; printf "\e[0m 🟫 \n 🟫 🚂 🎁 🎁 🎁 🎁 \n"; } || command pstree $@ ; };pstree --xmas

ijk64✅ boosted

@kevinswiber My thoughts on this are that we need to stop devaluing online relationships. Written communication can be just as rich, if not more, than verbal communication. Why is a relationship with the random person who moved into the home next door more important than the one with someone I met in an online community that has a shared interest? Just as society have dismissed remote work as been lesser than in person, we are going to discover that digital friendships are valuable

ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

I am once again asking you to stop using LastPass. The company has a history of security issues dating back years, and has yet to make holistic security improvements — or heck even investigate incidents properly.

Good alternatives:

- 1Password is my #1 rec, best for most use cases
- Bitwarden if you want open source
- KeePassXC if you want local vaults and open source
- I hear ok things about Dashlane but don’t know a ton

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