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ijk64✅ boosted

RT @dog_rates
This is Jetty. He never wants to hear you complain about his barking again. 13/10

ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

This was my pinned tweet on that other site. One of my favorite GIFs; figured it should get some airtime over here.

ijk64✅ boosted


Mastodon will break 8 million users by tomorrow!

7,925,283 accounts are active.

>2,000 new accounts are being made every hour.

That's 1 million new accounts being made since a week and a half ago.

ijk64✅ boosted

So here's the thing. You can only violate people's legal rights and your own word so far before they lawyer up and come after you.

I really do hope Musk changes his mind and does the right thing - the employees deserve that. But it'll be fun as hell if he doesn't.

ijk64✅ boosted

@malte @nova can we guess from this diagram, when the new servers took over?

ijk64✅ boosted

About one year of every #systems PhD is dedicated to learning -- the hard way -- to enable TCP_NODELAY.

After a couple notable incidents of this, I wrote "IT'S ALWAYS THE NAGLE ALGORITHM" in large letters on the UW systems lab's whiteboard to serve as a warning to others.

#chatgpt is helping me update this warning for a modern audience. Or a 19th-century one.

ijk64✅ boosted

Human chess: chess variant where playing the top engine move is forbidden.

"Players can claim their opponent’s last move was a top engine move.
Claims are settled by engine evaluation of the position. If opponent’s move matches the top engine move, the claimant wins the game - if not, they immediately loose.

Checkmating loses the game, (always top engine move). Instead, players seek to force their opponent to make a top engine move. "

ijk64✅ boosted

The navigation cameras on the Mars Curiosity Rover never fail to deliver a beautiful scene. I commanded these on Monday, they executed on Tuesday, and we get to enjoy them on Wednesday ☺️

NASA/JPL-Caltech/Kevin M. Gill

#Space #Science #MarsCuriosity

ijk64✅ boosted

I never got on with the Garageband interface but I have to say it's invaluable for throwing down ideas that wake you up at 4am. Much better then jotting down notes: "What the hell did I mean by 'ba da bum bum da bum'"

ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

I worked at USC when the Tusk video was being filmed there. Could occasionally hear bits echoing. Had no idea it was Fleetwood Mac at the time.

#FleetwoodMac #RIPChristineMcVie

ijk64✅ boosted

You know the "Configuration Register" on #cisco systems? "config-register 0x2102" and all? This is what it looked like on Cisco's first routers - that set of jumpers to the left on the top board is confreg:

ijk64✅ boosted

BREAKING: The European Union has reportedly warned Elon Musk that Twitter could be BANNED in Europe unless the platform abides by the EU’s strict rules on content moderation.

That sounds significant. #Twitter

ijk64✅ boosted

what was your first social network?

(plz boost for sample size)

ijk64✅ boosted

“ Continuous-time neural networks are a class of machine learning systems that can tackle representation learning on spatiotemporal decision-making tasks [...] Here, we show that it is possible to closely approximate the interaction between neurons and synapses—the building blocks of natural and artificial neural networks—constructed by liquid time-constant networks efficiently in closed form”

#ArtificialIntelligence #Neuroscience

ijk64✅ boosted

“It may be possible for a
malicious host to trigger remote code execution in [checks notes] ping.”— #CVE-2022-23093 — Update your FreeBSDs.

ijk64✅ boosted

So, new #Introduction, such that I have something to pin to my #Profile.

I’ve always loved #Technology. First our #Commodore64 and #Atari2600. Later, #MUDs and #Gopher on a remote #VAX / #VMS.

I was a #Webmaster for a mom-and-pop #ISP in #Ohio in the mid-#90s. We ran it out of our garage. Because you could do that then.

I learned nearly every relevant tech skill I have when I was 14 at that #ISP. #Linux, #Mac, #PC. #Networking, #Telecom. #Bash, #Perl, #HTML. #SysAdmin, #TechSupport. And on.

ijk64✅ boosted

Short thread/1
This, from an article by @algowatching, is an important thing to take notice of:

"... the cost of running an instance leaves most internet users excluded from the fediverse. Social media costs a few euros per year and per user to run. The amount might be relatively benign for middle-class Europeans, but represents a not-insignificant sum for others."

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Mastodon BASIC experimental (Futex BBS)

Futex BBS