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ijk64✅ boosted

Mercedes announces new in-car subscription to upgrade it to an Audi.

ijk64✅ boosted

Completing my out with the old, in with the gnu(-ish) campaign today.

HP printer with smart ink->Brother with dumb ink
United Charger smart EVSE->Siemens stupid EVSE
Psycho crazypants Twitter in Silicon Valley->My own Mastodon instance out in the woods
1password my passwords as their service->Strongbox on a KeePass file

I feel much healthier already. It's all about your diet.

ijk64✅ boosted


I was listening to a podcast & they remarked that they had never known a person who had amnesia. When I was 9 years old, I woke up in a bed. My arms & legs were tied down & my eyes were covered. I thought I had been kidnapped. I tried not to move much or alert my captors, but I struggled to get free. A nurse came in. They didn’t want me to thrash or touch my face. I’d been in a car accident & hit the dashboard. No seatbelt. I didn’t remember the crash or weeks before. I never remembered.

ijk64✅ boosted

For Cyber Monday, my Bash Scripting series (which was a Udemy exclusive for a limited time) is being made available for free on YouTube. A new episode will upload every 15 minutes, starting at 9:15am EST. All 18 episodes will be available before the end of the day!

ijk64✅ boosted

Birdsite joke 

So I disconnected Twitter from IFTTT and now their mails feel like Elon mailing their SRE to fix it 😅

So, just wondering; who were the first ones against the wall when the revolution came?

Or: Is the real revolution yet to come?

ijk64✅ boosted

I published a new video book on #NES programming & 6502 #Assembly.

If you want to learn NES programming & learn a lot about retro computer architecture, then you should definitely check it out!

The "Nintendinho" was my first game console, so I put a lot of love into this course. ❤️

Course link:

See you inside! 🧉😉

ijk64✅ boosted

Friendly reminder I'm currently on the job market.
I was the head of DFIR at 1Password and I built that program.

ijk64✅ boosted

"The most important thing about this amazing Paris transformation is how fast it happened — how fast people on bikes “appeared” — once streets were transformed.

You can’t write this off as “Paris was always this way,” because it wasn’t.

It took leadership."

#Verkehrswende #Autokorrektur @SheDrivesMobility

ijk64✅ boosted

Consequences of scaling down a brain:
“The highest synapse density was found in layer 1 (1.70 synapses/µm3; Table 2)... the thickness of layer 1 in the Etruscan shrew somatosensory cortex represents about 20% of the total cortical thickness (Naumann et al., 2012). That is, in the Etruscan shrew, given the high synaptic density in layer 1 and its relatively large proportion, this layer greatly contributes to the total number of synapses in the somatosensory cortex.”

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ijk64✅ boosted

Now Musk is saying if Apple and Google block Twitter on their app stores, presumably for failure to moderate hate speech and for safety, he will just create a new phone.

So it’s going well, right?

ijk64✅ boosted

🌈Coloourful TCPDUMP🌈output. Where have you been all those years. Join us at for more...

ijk64✅ boosted


Just gonna paste my intro:

I'm experiencing internal growth, so I'll provide a more organic #introduction.

I'm moo and I'm a scrub.

My introduction to computers was in second grade learning LOGO before playing Oregon Trail. My interest blossomed at 12. I taught myself HTML and started building pages, eventually graduating to CSS and graphic design tools like Photoshop.

My first tear down was my 386 HP when my mom was at work. By this point, I had already experimented with Visual Basic in the "secret" AOL chat rooms, IRC, and Linux (Mandrake). :)

In my teens, I became a pro aggressive inline skater for a year and was credited as being a top woman to look out for in the sport. I was also the 5th/last woman to skate the infamous Pier 1 bridge in San Francisco.

The first bug I found was a bof that DoS'd my boyfriend's router when I telnetted to it. It apparently affected all of them at the time too. Woops.

After we broke up, I ended up homeless in my 20's, and crashed at an ex-Vietnam veteran's house with six other homeless youth. We had to find creative and unique ways to help each other live/survive/eat.

We would break into local Internet cafes and I'd chat with friends, but outside of IRC, I had no idea a community existed. I learned about 2600 after someone saw me gut dead computers on the street in order to build a Linux based system for everyone to use at the place we were staying.

I went to my first meet and met my old roommates. From there, I started to rebuild the life.
Lots of TLDR: I had my daughter, worked really shit retail jobs and ended up homeless again because I simply didn't make enough.

This time I begged a shelter councilor to pay a $30 college application fee and swore I'd graduate if he gave me a chance, as I finally grabbed an apartment.

I worked 35 hours a week at Burger King while I worked on my degree as a network specialist. I started with 27 classmates and graduated with 5. My daughter was exceptionally proud of me and I was proud for her to see me accomplish something.

I worked in support for a while and really got into capture the flag competitions and started my own blog.

Eventually, I moved onward to my first job as a penetration tester last year and went from homeless to owning my first home.

My daughter and now son are the best things to ever happen to me.


I'm raw fucking proof anything is possible.

ijk64✅ boosted

I'm going to make this my #introduction Toot. My name is Matthew and I was born and live in England, though I've also lived in #France and traveled widely.

I'm an #Anarchist #Buddhist - two things that might not seem obviously related, yet in truth they are. I care deeply for people and planet: #inequality and #ClimateJustice are two sides of one coin. We must find a new narrative, a new social contract. We have to learn to live in #peace.

We must engage with current #social, #economic, and #political paradigms and seek to reimagine them to be fit for purpose, because currently they are not.

Extractive patriarchal capitalism is destroying the #ecosphere, and our communities. #ClimateChange is a symptom, not the problem. The symptom will only alleviate when the problem is addressed.

ijk64✅ boosted

Been lurking on here long enough while watching the fall of the bird site. Time for an #introduction

I’m a software engineer turned engineering leader. I’ve “lived” on the bird site for almost 16 years. A few things about my professional life:

- Led a team behind the initial launch of #adobecreativecloud
- Got into #enterprise #opensource at NodeSource and released N|Solid
- Built the engineering team at #Heptio where I met @nova
- Joined #fastly and was on the floor of #NYSE for the IPO

ijk64✅ boosted

@SwiftOnSecurity #introduction I’m a kid of academics. dad a full professor now. Mum a mainframe op Mac and Sun salesperson on campus. I grew up on uni campuses and uni systems. As a kid dialled up to mums CDC Plato system on a 300 baud modem and played MUDs and IRC like talkomatic. Declared “gifted” did extension classes in primary school in creative writing and games programming. Studied security at uni (didn’t want to be a complete nerd) did a few computer security and software engineering units. Worked for an engineering company as their IT guy and did physical and electronic security engineering. That led me to doing designs, doco, running tenders and supervising upgrades at maximum security prisons and police lockups. I went into prisons after riots and fixed them up. We designed security for reserve banks in asia and designed for armed assault nuclear biological and chemical attack. Got whacked in the head with an M16 at one facility by accident lol. After y2k got an IT job in security operations at a state government ISP did firewall and IPS, credit card gateway, Ip accounting, EDI and supported police department web server. Did 7 years at deloitte pen testing banks. Now been running a pty ltd and acting as a security architect for 13 years.

ijk64✅ boosted

I've pinned and reboosted my #introduction, but I thought I'd have another bash round the potted summary of hashtags as I try to reconnect with stuff lost in the past few days.

#folklore is pretty much the most important to me - I'm an #academic #folklorist, do #fieldwork, think & write about #folkloristics, and really really REALLY like hanging out with/listening to other #folklorists.

I started off with #folk, #folksong, #folkmusic, ended up doing a PhD on #ghostlore #ghosts #ghost but love/am interested in all sorts of stuff, like #cannibalism, #rats, #folkhorror

Other important things:
#surrealism #fantomas #Dowland #Classics #Berlioz

Live on #isleofwight, like at the end of Day of the Triffids.

ijk64✅ boosted

Hi, everyone! I am Stephen, Sr. Editor at Interesting Engineering and Product-editor at Circuit Cellar Magazine digital version. I am hunting for a place that is different from Twitter in content and the same as Twitter in format. Something that is less violent and more welcoming. Is that Mastodon?

ijk64✅ boosted

#introduction To fill in my profile tags, a thread:

#TrakEM2 open source software mostly for #connectomics, and supports manual and automatically montaging and aligning overlapping 2D image tiles (with #SIFT features and rigid or elastic transformation models), and reconstructing by painting volumes or tracing branched neuronal arbors neurons plus synapses to map a #connectome from #vEM (volume electron microscopy).


Git repository at:

ijk64✅ boosted
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