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ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

We are hiring contractors to work on #GNOME and the #Linux Desktop :linux:

Do you have experience working on Linux desktop technologies? Get in touch with your resume or portfolio ✉️

Some areas we are interested in hiring for:

• Flatpak
• Linux desktop accessibility
• Freedesktop / XDG services and components
• Desktop security
• GNOME services and components

@XOrgFoundation @kde @gnome

Boosts welcome!

#freedesktop #KDE #getFediHired #jobs #FLOSS #OpenSource #FreeSoftware

ijk64✅ boosted

We have a new paper out!

We looked at vesicle transport in cells. The textbooks say it's all motor-driven, but this idea is based on how large organelles are transported. Instead we find small vesicles move mainly by diffusion! We came up with a way to restrict the diffusion of one vesicle type (we made them furry!) & that reduces cargo delivery.

Congrats to my co-author Méghane Sittewelle who did all the imaging magic!

#CellBiology #MembraneTrafficking #Microscopy

ijk64✅ boosted

This is so cool.

"the team has devised a chipless, paper-only version of a radio-frequency identification (RFID) tag. ... [the] design requires no other material than paper. The company simply uses a laser to mark a circuit onto its surface, with the laser settings tuned so as not to cut or burn the paper but to change its chemical composition to make it conductive."

ijk64✅ boosted

Fun fact: if you saturate the CPU enough you can slow Windows down to the point where you can visibly see the difference between \r and \n

ijk64✅ boosted

Almost got scammed selling some stuff online. 🤙

Had a person send me their number as an interested buyer and told me to text them. I did (first mistake), and we arranged a meetup time. Then they asked if, for their safety, they could send me a six digit code (some of you already know where this is going) that I could repeat back to them to verify myself.

I said, "absolutely!" And sure enough, I got a Google Voice verification number. lol

If you're not familiar with the scam, shady people will take your phone number and try to create a Google Voice account with it. If you provide them with the 6-digit code that Google sends you, they can "verify" that they are you, and then basically use your phone number to run scams, commit fraud, etc. It's nasty business.

I called them out, blocked them, then reported them to the marketplace website and to the FTC--though, almost certainly, they were using the phone number of another poor soul to carry this out.

I used to work as a social engineer, running phishing campaigns (ethically, with consent lol), against Fortune 1000 companies to assess their level of vulnerability. Luckily for me, I was super familiar with this, but most of the people I told about it have said, "Oh, I probably would have fallen for that...", and even I set myself up for it.

So that is why I'm posting this. Please be aware of sketchy shit like this. If someone is asking you for a verification code over SMS or email, tread with EXTREME caution. Also, it's usually pretty shady if a stranger you're already chatting with wants to move to a new platform. Not always, but if someone emails or messages you on Facebook to ask you to text them, that's a little weird. I'd had legitimate buyers/sellers do that, so it's not unheard of, but it should put you on guard.

If you buy/sell/trade online frequently, it's a good idea to use a dedicated MySudo number, VOIP number, and/or a burner phone for that.

Stay safe out there, kids.

#Privacy #Security #Scams #Craigslist #FacebookMarketplace #eBay

@bluecat make sure you find your BBQ crew (they won’t change either) - and someone to do the numbers. Your job is also head of recruitment and guilt-trips are your currency ;-)
Your notice period is until the final year your youngest child attends (and sometimes more). Wishing you luck 🍀 and many happy volunteers!

ijk64✅ boosted

I've come to realize being head of PTA just means you are forced to volunteer for all the things no one else will volunteer for and you somehow end up spending your own money on things for school.

@whatshisays that was My youngest 🤣 - over ten years later, she’s mostly grown out of it.

ijk64✅ boosted

I have built a few websites for myself this year (and another one coming up this week) and I must say that @lobau 's tool to pick colors is absolutely fantastic! 🎨​✨

I use it all the time!

It's simple and gives you all the data you need quickly and beautifully.

If you build websites
or any design really, I highly recommend it! 👇

ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

How the NORAD graphics in WarGames were generated is quite fascinating.

The TL;DR; is that they got a consultant who had contacts at HP and managed to borrow a $90,000 (inflation adjusted) 9845C desktop running BASIC and filmed one frame and one colour at a time.

ijk64✅ boosted

Those new-fangled QWERTY keyboards remind me of a *proper* keyboard (literally so) I saw at the Science Museum in London some years ago. A 'Hughes printing telegraph', apparently - from 1860!


#mechanicalKeyboard #telegraphy #museums

ijk64✅ boosted

@jaylee those good ole E450s - ain’t she a beauty!!?

ijk64✅ boosted

It’s go time, fam. I actually have vaguely high hopes for this round.

ijk64✅ boosted
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