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ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

Type Ia supernovae are vital for measuring the expansion of the Universe. So far, a few thousand have been found and led to the discovery of dark energy. The upcoming Vera Rubin Observatory will shatter those numbers, finding millions of exploding stars and allowing astronomers to map out the expansion of the Universe in unprecedented detail. If all goes well, its survey will begin in just a few months, scanning the entire southern sky every few nights.

ijk64✅ boosted

never have I been so disappointed to have deliberately not taken my telephoto with me as I was today omg. this Limpkin was so gregarious!

ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

Things I regret: Looking at github issues for the open-source self-driving car conversion kit.

Thousands of people use these things on public roads.

ijk64✅ boosted

A marvelous ant in Micrographia.(1665) The ant gave Robert Hooke a lot of trouble since she wouldn't quit moving around as he tried to draw her. He ended up dipping her in brandy, ... though he does say that she woke back up and ran away. Gotta love this girl for surviving and escaping!

He supposes that the ant was drunk... But it probably was simply deprived of O2. I've seen ants who fell into water revive in a similar way when their spiracles (pores) dry off and they can breathe again. #ants

ijk64✅ boosted

Telling your suitcase there's no more vacations this year can be tough. Emotional baggage is the worst

ijk64✅ boosted

I’m not sure who made this t-shirt but I think I need to have it.

Edit: It would seem to be @heydon (

ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

What the article doesn't mention is that #MichaelJFox and his foundation have raised over $2B for #Parkinson's research, MORE than ALL government investment in a cure.

ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

The carbon in your body formed through fusion in the hearts of stars and was then thrown out into the cosmos to seed stellar nebulae with the elements for life. Now, researchers are discovering just how long a journey that carbon has gone on, possibly circling the galaxy a few times before returning to our spot in the cosmos. They tracked giant conveyor belts that surround galaxies, pushing material out into space and then drawing it back into the galactic interior.

ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

It’s improbable that I fold another model this year, so here’s my #bestnine2024. #origami

Designs by
Robert Lang (cicada top left and cicada nymph top middle),
Satoshi Kamiya (cicada nymph top left and little bird),
Shuki Kato (bactrian camel, parasaurolophus and giraffe), Hideo Komatsu (horse),
Quentin Trollip (eagle)
and Jeong Jae Il (egret).

ijk64✅ boosted

Today is the day. Welcome to THE charger!

USB-C is officially the common standard for charging electronic devices in the EU.

This means:

🔌The same charger for all new phones, tablets and cameras
⚡ Harmonised fast-charging technology
🔄 Reduced e-waste
🛑 No more “Sorry, I don’t have the right cable”

One charger to rule them all.

#SingleMarket #DigitalEU

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