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ijk64✅ boosted

I've tweaked it a bit and am now comfortable with sharing it widely, so here it is! My crochet pattern for Einstein's Hat, the recently discovered aperiodic monotile:

(And if you make the tiles in max 4 colors, you can ALSO illustrate the four color theorem.)

ijk64✅ boosted

@vadergb @Recta_Pete Very nice! Have you got one of the new #PenultimatePlus2 carts in order from @futurewas8bit yet? Totally essential if you ask me if you have a #VIC20

ijk64✅ boosted

Russia has occupied ZNPP nuclear plant in Ukraine since March 2022. Putin has threatened to blow up ZNPP and unleash environmental devastation on Ukraine, and appears to be on track to follow through. He had given a deadline for Russian citizens to evacuate the area by July 5 and about 100 of them appear to have done so. About 6000 people are trapped in the area around ZNPP nuclear plant and are not being allowed to leave.

#Ukraine #urgent #ZNPP

ijk64✅ boosted

Mastadonians watching people pour in from twitter for the 12th time since space Karen took over.

ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

1 size 🔌to fit them all 📱 💻 📷 🎧

By 2024, the USB-C port will be mandatory for all portable electronic devices in the EU.

This means that you will soon be able to recharge most of your devices with the same charger, making piling up bundles of cables a thing of the past.

Not only will this make your life easier, but it will also reduce greenhouse gas emissions and e-waste.

Learn more about the common charger here:!hwjj3G

#EUCommonCharger #DigitalEU #EuropeanUnion

ijk64✅ boosted

Happy birthday to the 19" equipment rack, which turns 100 next month. From the July, 1923, Bell Systems Technical Journal: "All panels are to be of a uniform length, designed to mount on vertical supports spaced 19>< inches between centers. The height of the different panels will vary, according to the amount of apparatus in each unit, but this vertical dimension is in all cases to be a whole multiple of 1-3/4 inches."(p139 at )

ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

@mastodonmigration i did not attend the meeting, did not sign a NDA and i do not get 'financial support' from Meta or any related company..

I put quite some work in to pay for it all

ijk64✅ boosted

Subject: What's going on with Meta?

To: @Gargron, @ruud, @jerry, @supernovae, @stux, @trumpet, @kev and other large instance admins

Rumors are tearing this place apart out here about secret deals with #Meta. The latest is that Meta has held #NDA meetings with some of you and they will federate with large instances under contracts providing financial support (1) (2).

This is a time for leadership, not silence. Please, what's going on?


ijk64✅ boosted

"With Meta joining the Fediverse, instance administrators will need to abide by Meta's content policies, or risk being defederated"



@downriver John’s going to be unhappy about all this progress and the damage it causes so someone’s going to the train station…

ijk64✅ boosted

@GottaLaff first coup always fails, but the writing is on the crumbling wall…

@atomicpoet we still haven’t got over the buy out of Sun Microsystems

ijk64✅ boosted

When it comes to open source, most of Big Tech isn't actually like 90s-era Microsoft. Most of it is more akin to what Oracle CEO Larry Ellison says here:

If an open source product gets good enough, we'll simply take it. Take [the web server software] Apache: once Apache got better than our own web server, we threw it away and took Apache. So the great thing about open source is nobody owns it - a company like Oracle is free to take it for nothing, include it in our products and charge for support, and that's what we'll do.

So it is not disruptive at all - you have to find places to add value. Once open source gets good enough, competing with it would be insane. Keep in mind it's not that good in most places yet. We're a big supporter of Linux. At some point we may embed Linux in all of our products and provide support.

Usually when Big Tech sees open source, they don't think "extinguish it". They think "take it".

And as long as Big Tech abides by the license, there's nothing you can do about it. Open source is largely designed to be taken. In most licenses, nothing prevents it from Big Tech selling it.

"But why would someone buy open source if it's free?" some people ask.

Because, believe it or not, most people who buy software actually like corporations, and they love it when a guy in a suit and tie shows up to sell them stuff. Even if they can technically get it for free.

They're not just buying software.

They're often buying a
warranty and interoperability and something that "just works".

Open source doesn't thwart the corporations from making money. It often helps them.

Now is this to everyone's benefit? No, not at all. And this is because it's not necessarily the coders of open source software who get compensated. It's the corporations that sell it.

ijk64✅ boosted

Even Putin won't be able to blame the rebellion on outside forces, but Fox is already blaming it on Biden.
#russia #putin #Prigozin

ijk64✅ boosted
ijk64✅ boosted

Since I keep seeing developers use ‘pretty’ IP addresses like ’’ in example configurations; a reminder that you MUST NOT use publicly routable addresses that you do not control in your code.

Instead, use one of the available 'TEST-NET' IPv4 or IPv6 ranges documented in RFC 6890;


and for IPv6;

✅ 2001:db8::/32

Pass it on to all of your fellow developers, documentation writers, and so forth.

Full RFC for special purpose addresses;

Reserved for documentation, IPv4 and IPv6;

1/ 🧵

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