President Carter, now in his last days, home to be with his family as he passes, once personally saved Ottawa from a Nuclear Disaster, at risk, and cost, to his life, suffering from radiation poisoning all his life.
Canada had a Nuclear Accident in the 50s, asked the US for help, Lieutenant Jimmy Carter lead a team out of NY.
The future President Carter, had his team lower him into the reactor.
I had no idea
I have no idea why this isn't widely known.
Here’s the note Reddit sent to moderators threatening them if they don’t reopen -
Gas stoves pollute homes with benzene, which is linked to cancer - NPR
“Levels of benzene can reach higher than those found in secondhand tobacco smoke and the benzene pollution can spread throughout a home, according to the research.”
@joyographic @rhfinearts wait, is that the tail of … a much bigger ‘gattor??!
Flashing animation of optical illusion
These cubes aren’t moving or changing (as implied by the arrows). At all. Not even a little. Other than the color toggle, they remain constant.
(Credit: Ja Gari Kin)
EDIT: added content warning because of the flashing.
@funnymonkey where’s the
r/StupidQuestions and r/IdiotAnswers ?
“Tech billionaires are buying up luxurious bunkers and hiring military security to survive a societal collapse they helped create, but like everything they do, it has unintended consequences.” #BillionaireCapitalists #ClimateCrisis #SocietalCollapse #Apocalypse #Accelerationism
In 1990, my physics teacher in Germany told our class that by 2050, the average temperature in Germany would reach the same average temps as 1990's southern Italy.
We laughed at him.
By 2005, I had realized he was right.
In 2023, I have decided that his estimate must have been conservative.
William Gibson on coining the term Cyberspace (1993)
Tumblr reminded me that Miss Piggy and Kermit meeting Luke Skywalker and Yoda on the set of Empire Strikes Back is a real thing that happened.
"Frank Oz who voiced Yoda, was also known as a puppeteer and actor who was responsible for the voices of Miss Piggy, Fozzie Bear, Sam and Animal in Jim Henson’s The Muppet Show. [...] One day, during a break in filming Oz and Henson, brought Kermit and Miss Piggy on set to meet Kershner, Skywalker and Yoda."
The greatest lawyer in film and TV history.
Jackie Chiles.
#Earthquake (#terremoto) M3.6 strikes 12 km W of #Napoli (#Italy) 36 min ago. More info:
Want an honest reaction of the British public to the resignation of Boris Johnson?
For those who don't know or don't live in the UK, "Any Questions" is a BBC radio political panel that broadcasts live on a Friday and repeats on a Saturday lunchtime.
We were driving home today and caught the end of the repeat announcing Boris Johnson's resignation.
Here is the unprompted and unedited audience reaction.
Anything else is spin.
There is a blue line for every year since 1982. Each line represents the surface temperature in the North Atlantic across that year.
The red line is this year.
I recommend growing food in your garden, getting an e-bike, house upgrades (solar panels, insulation), and forming a massive pitchfork wielding mob to march on the oil company HQs.
One unexpected nice thing we got - push debugging console. I worked quite a bit with APNS and always wanted this. Very handy.