Bonus picture: I gave the KBC a brand new socket. Look how the 74F00 and the 74F04 are tucked away in its belly!
@MLE_online @tedyapo
A troll is blocking your path.
What do you want to do? _
It's incredible how much space is given to a few people in motor vehicles vs so many more people on foot or wheels. It's a vast inequity.
Nowhere is this more stark than #ShibuyaCrossing; the world's busiest pedestrian crossing with as many as 3,000 people crossing at a time. Compared to around 12 cars fromone direction of the junction in one sequence. #Urbanism #CitiesForPeople
@deonandan did they not see Hamilton?
Update time! #LibreOffice 7.5.2 is now available, with fixes and improvements. All users are recommended to upgrade:
Now it’s just getting weird.
Bing refers to a question I never asked, about whether it would harm me.
When I point that out, it apologizes and says that was a conversation with another user.
So Texas republicans are attempting to end democracy openly. This is definitional of fascism and autocracy.
@yaakov and, loving it!
@yaakov oh, I mean - I haven’t actually been in a place on the day it was switching to/from daylight savings.
@yaakov the last time I had to turn a clock back or forward for daylight savings was 30 years ago.
Anyone who has tried to multihome IPv6 without PI space and (typically) BGP has undoubtedly run into the issue that it basically just does not work. There are a few options - none of them are really good - but at least they should be identified somewhere for posterity. A few of us decided to write a draft to start outlining the options (not solutions, per se) in this @ietf draft.
@vyr Also if you use a Mac released this decade or an iPhone/iPad/Android device—basically anything except an old-school PC—you're using an ARM processor and that architecture was designed by Sophie Wilson, who is trans. It's the most widely used computer architecture. Computing this century is trans.
@jonn_blanchard yeah, I had a Saturday morning insane panic crazy work call. So that’ll do me.